2010. 11. 4. 13:16ㆍ99. 정리전 - IT/07. Jailbreak
테마 깔고 나서 아이콘 캐쉬를 없애라.
1. Go to Cydia and search for 'iFile' and install.
Open iFile and press the top left navigation button until you get to
the 'root' directory. You will know you're there when you can't go any
further and you see '/' at the top.
3. Scroll down and navigate through the following folders:
Press 'Edit' button top right, select all files then press the trash
icon on bottom to delete.(Don't worry this is 100% safe!)
5. Press 'Done' button top right, exit iFile.
Respring device(You may need to Reboot device by holding down the home
and power buttons simultaneously and then let go when you see the Apple
무슨 수를 쓰던 private/var/mobile/Library/Caches/com.apple.IconsCache로 가서
안에 있는 모든 파일을 삭제하라! (100% 안전하다)